Beard, Mustache and Eyebrow Transplants
A beard-mustache-eyebrow transplant is a solution for lack of growth, scars, burns or thinning where follicles are taken one by one from areas of sufficient hair, then transplanted into the desired area with FUE method.
Beard and Moustache Transplant
Beards have an important influence on the formation of masculine identity, the expression of a person’s lifestyle and male psychology. A beard transplant is a solution for lack of growth, scars, burns or thinning where follicles are taken from areas which have sufficient hair and are transplanted into the needed area. While resolving thinning caused by a range of reasons, great transformations can be achieved in cases where there is no to little beard growth. Hairs are taken one by one using the FUE method, thereby preventing scarring. A natural look is obtained by transplanting the hair follicles at the angle required for natural looking beard growth.
According to statistics published by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in 2008, the number of beard and moustache transplants increased in Turkey and the surrounding region by 110% thanks to many satisfied hair transplant patients.
Why do beards and moustaches fall out?
A beard’s thickness and quality, as well as that of the skin, are completely dependent on genetic factors. Beard hairs take their final form after thickening over 3 years during puberty. Unless there is a major change in a man’s hormone levels, beard hair will keep their final characteristics.
There is currently no cosmetic or drug-based treatment to stimulate hair growth in hairless areas, and this is true also for the beard and moustache. Transplants are the only solution.
Beard and moustache hair loss can be caused as much by autoimmune illnesses as by dermatological ones. Apart from these two factors, the most common cause is hormonal imbalance. In men, testosterone should be managed when it increases beyond the threshold.
Who is an ideal candidate for beard and moustache transplants?
Beard and moustache transplants can be carried out on patients from the age of 20-22 onwards once their hormones have reached their base levels. This procedure is recommended to men who want to grow their beards and those who want to have a two-day stubble look but whose beards grow unevenly, if at all.
Beard and moustache transplants can also be carried out on all healthy men whose beards grow in patches, too. It is also possible to transplant hair into scarred areas.
How are beard and moustache transplants performed?
Beard and moustache transplants can be carried out on everyone who has hair. Hair follicles are taken from just above the nape of the neck or from above the ears where the hair is thinner. Red scabs appear during the healing process and these fall off after a week, leaving no scarring. There is no major pain or aches after facial hair transplants as the person’s own hair is used.
Results begin to show around 8 to 10 weeks after the procedure. It will be possible to see individual hair strands transplanted into the beard and moustache region with the naked eye.
Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrows are an important aspect of a meaningful look and glance. Eyebrow transplants counteract tired facial expressions and create a more attractive appearance. The causes of eyebrow-loss are still unknown, but transplants are a solution for causes such as illness, accidents or poor plucking methods. It is important that a doctor confirms the person will benefit from an eyebrow transplant.
A natural result is obtained by transplanting hair that is similar to eyebrow hair and which will start growing after 3 months. It is necessary to wait 8 months for the transplant area to completely heal. This procedure is a permanent solution for both men and women.
Treatment Summary
Session1Operation length2-6 hoursAnesthesiaLocalDiscomfort periodReturn to workImmediateFull recovery10 daysResultsPermanentHospital stay
WARNING: Everyone is unique.That means that the treatment length, planning and results may differ. The information you see here are the resulting average from a large range of samples.
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