Hair Transplant for Women
Hair loss is a health problem women commonly face. Many of whom turn to cosmetic products to prevent it, unfortunately none can stimulate hair growth. If left untreated, hair loss may cause bald patches. This is where hair transplantation for women come into play.
Hair loss, which is the result of dozens of reasons, is a health problem women commonly face, many of whom turn to every kind of cosmetic product to stop hair loss. If untreated, hair loss causes bald patches to appear on the top of the head.
If this is the case with you, it means the time has come for a hair transplant because cosmetic products cannot stimulate hair growth. Although thought of as a procedure for men, hair transplants are routinely and successfully performed on women, too.
Grafts of strong hair follicles that won’t fall out are transplanted in the problematic area. One of the best features of hair transplants performed with the FUE method is that transplanted hair doesn’t need to be cut for the procedure. Thinning above the nape of the neck caused by taking grafts will not be visible, even when the hair is tied up. The desired thickness can be obtained as women usually have hair transplants to solve thinning rather than hair loss.
Treatment Summary
Session1Operation length6-8 hoursAnesthesiaLocalDiscomfort periodReturn to workImmediateFull recovery10 daysResultsPermanentHospital stay
WARNING: Everyone is unique.That means that the treatment length, planning and results may differ. The information you see here are the resulting average from a large range of samples.
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